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Friday 28th October - Sutton Coldfield Ghost Walk

We started Halloween early when we led a 40-strong crowd on a ghost walk through the streets of Sutton Coldfield on Friday 28th October.  The 2 hour tour started at Sutton Park’s Town Gate and followed a 2 mile long route, finishing at the haunted Gate Inn on Mill Street.  Along the way the group heard of some of the spooky sights and sounds that have occurred in Sutton over the years. It has more ghosts than you would ever imagine from Roman ghosts and Royal ghosts to ghosts of monks, children, horses and even a poltergeist or two. In addition to ghost stories we told the crowd of murders and hangings, Halloween traditions, and the reason why apples feature so often in Halloween superstitions.

This is the first ghost walk we have done in Sutton Coldfield, but we plan to run more ghost walks in Sutton and other areas during 2012, so be sure to visit out site again to see what’s happening. In the meantime, when you are out and about in Sutton, keep looking behind you. You never know what you might almost see from the corner of your eye.

Tags: Ghost WalksTours

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