Discover the regions cities
Skyline of Birmingham
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Discover the regions shops
Birmingham Bullring
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Discover the regions castles
Warwick Castle
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Discover the regions county estates
The Bridge at Blenheim palace
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Tolkien enthusiasts look for black riders at the Ford of Bruinen

On 24/2, our special “Tolkien’s Middle Earth Tour” was held and was a great success.  More than 20 Tolkien fans joined us for a combined coach and walking tour.  Our first stopping point was Sarehole Mill, Tolkien’s childhood playground, where we also explored the surrounding area, including the ford that inspired the iconic Ford of Bruinen scene in Lord Of The Rings.  After 3 1/2 hours discovering the areas Tolkien grew up in and how his experiences in Birmingham shaped his writing, everyone had just enough energy left to climb the 108 steps of Perrott’s Folly in Edgbaston, for great views over the city including the waterworks tower, which along with the folly may well be the inspiration for the title “The Two Towers”.  Those who came on the tour went away with a whole new appreciation of Tolkien and his work, as well as having seen some “off the beaten track” parts of the city.


 More photos of the Middle Earth Tour on our Facebook page Midlands Discovery Tours

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