Discover the regions cities
Skyline of Birmingham
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Discover the regions shops
Birmingham Bullring
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Discover the regions castles
Warwick Castle
6300 300 #000000#FFFFFF
Discover the regions county estates
The Bridge at Blenheim palace
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Archive for November 2017

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Thanks Oxboffice, Hello We Got Tickets

Thanks Oxboffice for nearly eight years of selling tickets for our Birmingham, Sutton and Warwick Ghost Walks, you have been a great agent, working hard to support our walks.

Sadly Oxboffice have decided to hang up their ticket machine, enter a great new agent to us, WeGotTickets. Their other clients rave about them, and our experience has been great too.

We look forward to working long into the future.

Check out their site at WeGotTickets, with Tickets for walks at WeGotTickets/birminghamghost

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